Job Offer in Hand: What`s Next?

Job Offer in Hand: What`s Next?

Today, I want to talk about what to do when you’ve gone through all the hoops and received the coveted job offer. This moment can be exciting and nerve-wracking, but it might not necessarily mark the end of the long journey in job hunting. Let’s consider a...
Is it time to go?

Is it time to go?

I am often asked, when is it really time to change jobs? But there is no single correct answer. Making the decision to change jobs is an important and sometimes complex step in everyone’s life. Various factors can influence this decision, ranging from career...
Successful interview

Successful interview

My job, among other things, involves a large number of interviews with various people for different positions in different countries. And when, after many unsuccessful meetings and reviewing a million resumes, during some interview, I feel like, “Oh, great, this...