In today’s rapidly evolving workplace landscape, a subtle yet impactful trend known as ‘Quiet Quitting’ has emerged. Unlike traditional resignations, quiet quitting involves employees silently disengaging from extra tasks and withdrawing from activities beyond their assigned duties. While they may still fulfill their primary responsibilities, their reluctance to participate in activities that are in one or another way still connected to their job, can have significant implications for team productivity and organizational morale.

It might possibly not sound as a problem, but research underscores the importance of a workforce willing to go above and beyond their core responsibilities, often serving as a competitive advantage for companies. However, the growing prevalence of quiet quitting poses challenges for leaders, as it can lead to increased workloads for remaining team members and a decline in overall morale.

What can companies do to address that important issue? Here are 5 research-backed strategies:

🗝️ Redefine core job tasks

Managers can reassess employees’ core responsibilities to align them with essential tasks, allowing individuals to focus on their primary duties while maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

🗝️Listen, then invest

Companies (managers) should prioritize listening to their employees’ needs and investing in supporting them (that is not about money). By collecting data and engaging in open conversations, organizations can gain insights into what motivates and engages their workforce, leading to tailored support initiatives.

🗝️ Less hustle, more crafting

Rather than promoting an always-on culture, leaders can encourage ‘citizenship crafting,’ where employees prioritize tasks aligned with their motivations and interests. This approach fosters a sense of ownership and fulfillment, enhancing engagement and reducing burnout.

🗝️ Displaying empathy

Empathetic leadership is crucial for fostering trust and improving relationships within the team. Leaders should show understanding and empathy towards their employees’ thoughts, feelings, and needs, creating an atmosphere of psychological safety.

🗝️ Providing feedback

Regular and constructive feedback from managers plays a crucial role in maintaining employee motivation and effectiveness. It helps identify strengths and areas for improvement, creating space for professional and personal growth and development.

While organizations play a pivotal role in addressing quiet quitting, employees themselves can also take proactive steps when they recognize signs of disengagement:


Employees should take time to reflect on their current level of engagement and identify any areas of dissatisfaction or disconnection. Understanding the root causes of quiet quitting empowers individuals to take action towards positive change.

Open communication

Initiating honest and transparent conversations with supervisors or HR representatives can provide valuable insights into organizational challenges and opportunities for improvement. Expressing concerns and suggesting solutions demonstrates proactive engagement and commitment to positive change.

Seeking Support

Employees should not hesitate to seek support from mentors, colleagues, or career coach when navigating feelings of disengagement. Building a network of support can offer guidance, encouragement, and perspective during challenging times.

Recent research shows that quiet quitting can seriously harm the organisation, by reducing general efficiency and increasing people turnover. By embracing a proactive approach to addressing quiet quitting, both companies and employees can contribute to fostering a culture of engagement, collaboration, and productivity in the workplace. Together, they can navigate challenges, seize opportunities, and cultivate environments where everyone thrives.

Read more: Quiet Quitting